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Seaming Tradition with Performance
“You need to care about your sails. Without them your boat would be a motor boat or a row boat”
Michele Stevens
I am passionate about constructing quality sails that will take you around the world
or around your harbour.
I have four generations of sail making history to back up my passion.
I knew my great-grandfather Randolph Stevens when we were both bald (picture to follow). Affectionately known as “grandpop” Randolph started making sails because his father Amos Stevens was a boat designer and builder (Tancook Schooner) on Tancook Island in the waters of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Randolph and Evangeline moved their family from Tancook Island to Second Peninsula in 1920. They purchased a farm, built a sail loft and provided for their family.
Together, they taught their 12 offspring the value of hard work and good craftsmanship and that there is beauty in building a solid boat, making a quality sail or growing a fragrant and bountiful garden.
My grandfather Harold Stevens (affectionately known as Boppie) and my father Robert Stevens nurtured those values and provided years of sailing experience to literally thousands of customers from around the world.
TODAY our loft continues that tradition of building custom sails that fulfil your dreams of being a day sailor to a circumnavigator on any vessel from a tall ship to a small ship.